
Our colleague Moritz reports on his experience of completing a Master's degree with findic


How did you reach the decision to switch from full-time consultant to part-time student/consultant?

For me personally, the decision-making process was really exciting. After completing my Bachelor’s degree, I had enough of studying for the time being and wished to begin my professional career. findic gave me the opportunity to do this – which is not at all typical for consultancies, as many require a Master’s degree. During my time at findic, there were of course also periods when I wasn’t working on a client project. In between projects, the company places great importance on further training. This is when I personally realized that I have a certain “thirst for knowledge” that I wanted to satisfy. After various training courses, I decided to return to university and complete a Master’s degree. Subsequently, I began to plan this change together with the company.


How did findic support you in this decision/change?

I received tremendous support. From the start, everyone involved was open to my idea of studying again. My direct supervisor and the management team encouraged me to take this decision and supported me throughout the transition, showing great flexibility. When I had chosen my degree program and had been accepted, we all discussed my future tasks together and to what extent I would be able to continue my work for findic during my studies. Again, the company was very understanding and accommodating.


Were you able to continue working in project business?

Generally yes, but only to a limited extent. Since I decided to enroll for a full-time degree course, I’m currently only working for findic on a part-time basis. However, most clients prefer to book consulting services for a minimum of three to four days a week. Unfortunately, I rarely have the time for this during my degree course. Therefore, my project tasks are mostly limited to back office activities. Nevertheless, even now, I have the possibility to work on projects.


How has your day-to-day work changed within findic and as a consultant?

My day-to-day work has changed mainly in terms of what I do. As long as I am still studying, my tasks at findic are strictly defined. For the most part, I work internally, dealing with various topics such as corporate communications or business development. Before I started my degree program, I worked 100% for clients and managed projects there; now I primarily tackle internal issues.


How difficult is it to find the right balance between your studies and your job?

Very difficult. My studies started right in the middle of the pandemic. Therefore, all of my courses were 100% digital from the start. Because of this transition to digital teaching, my entire degree program takes place at home in front of my computer. I sometimes quickly check my e-mails in between or even during lectures. Thus findic can reach me via e-mail all day long. It requires a high level of discipline to balance both my university and my findic activities without giving preference to one over the other. But, let me repeat, I’m really grateful that findic is my employer. From the beginning, I received a lot of support, i.e. understanding and flexibility. For example, consideration is always given to the current workload of my study course. During exceptionally stressful periods – for instance during the exam period – it’s never a problem if I work a little less for the company. This allows me to fully focus on my university studies.

Even though the double load is sometimes difficult to cope with, I would definitely recommend returning to university – especially with such a helpful and understanding employer as findic at your side.

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